This class comprises activities that take place in the scholarly domain. These are actions that are carried out by instances of Actor class, have a specific goal, and happen at a specific time and place. This notion includes complex and long-lasting actions such as an academic conference or a research project, as well as simple short-lived activities such as the writing of a note. Activities in the scholarly domain constitute the actual actions or events that may happen and not the prescription of what should have happened. Instances of the latter should be documented using the Method class.
The ESF NeDiMAH Research Networking Project The 2014 ADHO Conference on Digital Humanities Writing a thesis Translating a text
This class comprises identifiable types of activities in scholarly domain that are treated here as terms of a Controlled Vocabulary and can be interconnected with SKOS relations (such as narrowerThan, BroaderThan, relatedTerm, etc.) in order to form a hierarchy, based on the nature of the Activity that they describe. In addition to the SKOS properties, instances of this class can also be interconnected with special predifined properties such as "hasGoal" or "follows" in order to create "semantic chains" of interconnected terms. Instances of this class can also be used in order to interconnect instances from different classes of the NeMO Ontology based on their predefined relationships with the "ActivityType" class, thus providing extra -indirect- “semantic paths” across the Ontology. As such, can be considered a path among the "Method", "ActivityType" and "Activity" classes, interconnecting an instance of the “Method” Class that "isUsedFor" the same "ActivityType" that an instence of “Activity” class “hasGoal”, for example.
4.3 Organizing 4.1.6 Visualizing 4.2.24 Sentiment Analysis
This class comprises people, either individually or in groups, who have the potential to perform intentional actions for which they can be held responsible. Individual people should be documented as instances of Person Class, whereas groups should be documented as instances of either Group or its subclass Legal Body. Actors in the scholarly domain participate in activities through certain roles that define them. Depending on the actual actions that take place in an activity an actor can have more than one role that could be prescribed in a method.
Athens University of Economics and Business John Smith Digital Curation Unit Library of Congress
This class comprises immaterial products of our minds and other human produced data that have become objects of a discourse about their identity, circumstances of creation or historical implication. Instances of this class are created, invented or thought by someone, and then may be documented or communicated between persons. Conceptual objects can simultaneously exist on more than one particular physical carrier, such as paper, flash memory, marks, audio media, paintings, photos, etc.
The topic of a thesis Manchester School of thought Discipline of History of Art Semiotic Analysis A specific finding that was the outcome of an activity
under construction
This class comprises instances of free text strings that are used for documentation of instances of other classes such as the one in "method" class.
kernel principal component analysis (kernel PCA) is an extension of principal component analysis (PCA) using techniques of kernel methods. Using a kernel, the originally linear operations of PCA are done in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space with a non-linear mapping.
This class comprises conceptual objects that constitute concentrations of knowledge in an academic field. A discipline incorporates expertise, people, projects, communities, challenges, studies, inquiry, and research areas that are strongly associated with a particular academic area of study.
Archaeology Electrical Engineering Anthropology Glossology History of Arttest3
This class comprises all instances of information that can be used as resources in activities in the scholarly domain. All kinds of Information, that can be the product of or used in a scholarly activity, are considered as information resources. Instances of this Class are identifiable, immaterial units of information that exist on one or more physical carriers. These information items can be characterized according to their format, type or topic and can appear either as the input or the output of an activity.
A research article Encyclopedia Britannica A scientific journal A set of Dublin Core metadata A computer program code A dataset with measurements from an archeological excavation
This class comprises identifiable types of Information Resources that constitute formats for bibliographic data. Instances of this class characterize and classify InformationResources according to the type that they instanciate. NeMO adopts the Marc 21 format for Bibliographic Data as provided in for categorizing the terms related to this taxonomy.
Book Map Text
This class comprises all objects that are used in order to enable or support the accomplishment of activities. Instances of this class can be of material or immaterial nature depending on the type of service that they provide. Hence, every object of the scholarly domain that can be used as a tool, a service or even a model according to which a particular action is accomplished, can be documented as an instance of the Instrument class.
Evernote (App for iPad) MS Word 2013 Online registration for a conference
This class comprises identifiable types of Media. Instances of this class characterize and classify InformationResources according to their format. NeMO adopts the IANA standard for Media Types as provided in for categorizing the terms related to this taxonomy.
H224 tiff mp4
This class comprises all instances of "data about data". This kind of information can be about the design and specification of data structures or the individual instances of application data or the actual data content. Instances of this class are identifiable immaterial units that provide information about one or more aspects of the data, such as: Means of creation of the data, Purpose of the data, Time and date of creation, Creator or author of the data, Location on a computer network where the data were created, Standards used, etc. Their main purpose is to assist in resource discovery by allowing resources to be found by relevant criteria, identifying resources, bringing similar resources together, distinguishing dissimilar resources, and giving location information. They usually follow metadata standarts specific to a particular discipline.
an xml file regarding a particular book
This class comprises documented descriptions, plans or procedures that describe in a systematic or informal way how to accomplish specific kinds of activities. Instances of this class can be considered as the “recipes” that describe how to combine different "ingredients" (information resources or physical objects), which instruments to use and which steps to follow in order to accomplish a particular activity. Methods can be referenced in bibliography, taught in a Course or be influenced by a particular School Of Thought.
Minimum Information Criterion Random Forests POS Tagging Stemmatics Biographical method
This class comprises immaterial products of our minds that constitute abstract representations of a given domain (specified part of a world or state of affairs) that we want to describe. A model's primary use is to convey the fundamental principles and basic functionality of the system in which it represents. Also, a conceptual model must be developed in such a way as to provide an easily understood system interpretation for the models users. Instances of this class vary in form and type, depending on their purpose and the subject matter that they are taken to represent. They include but are not limited to conceptual representations of entities and relations, structured schemata of different types, scaled representations of actual physical objects, complex mathematical models that can be used for simulations or constitute interpretations under which particular statements are true, etc.
The Dublin Core metadata Schema An XML structure CIDOC CRM Conceptual Reference Model
This general class comprises usable discrete, identifiable, persistent items that can be documented as single units. Instances of this class can be either intellectual products of our minds, or physical objects, that are involved in activities. Aggregations of objects can be regarded as collections. Depending on their use, objects can also be characterized as instruments used in specific actions.
Adobe Photoshop The topic of a thesis Web Of Science website ( The Discipline of Applied Linguistics A research Article
This class comprises items of a material nature that are units for documentation and have physical boundaries that separate them completely in an objective way from other objects. The class also includes all aggregates of objects made for functional purposes of whatever kind, independent of physical coherence, such as a set of chessmen. Typically, instances of Physical Object class can be moved (if not too heavy).
iPad Air the Cullinan Diamond Aphrodite of Milos
under construction
This class comprises conceptual objects that constitute ways of thinking that are shared and followed by particular groups of people. Instances of this Class are often named after their founders or their places of origin and usually denote common opinion or outlook.
The Manchester school of thought The Chicago school of architecture Behaviorism Freud's school of thought
This class comprises all identifiable objects that have been created in order to support the accomplishment of activities by providing solutions in the form of responses to certain requests. Services can be executed or delivered either directly by other actors, such as in the case of professional services, or by systems, such as in the case of utilities. Instances of this class are objects that, in contrast with tools, are not held locally by an individual person, but instead are remotely provided by actors to everyone who wants to use and benefit from them.
Gmail Google maps Interlibrary loan
This class comprises conceptual objects that can be identified as propositions, research questions, or any conceptual statement that is the the outcome or result of an inquiry or research in a specific topic. Instances of this class constitute concepts that appear as discoveries, conclusions, findings, propositions, research questions, hypothesis, or any kind of propositions that appear related to research activities in general. Being conceptual objects, statements are mental creations of our minds and do not constitute documented information. The actual representations of them, that can be treated as resources of information in various types and formats such as tables, figures, text, sound, etc. should be documented using the InformationResource class.
"The songs by aiko, Nakajima, and Utada have high classification performance, whereas those by Hirose, Oguro, and Matsutoya have low classification performance" "What specific factors trigger the intuition people feel which makes them say "this sounds like so-and-so"?""
This class comprises objects that are specifically designed to support activities. Tools are used for specific purposes in order to accomplish certain tasks or actions. Instances of this class can be of material or immaterial nature, such as a round hand brush used in archaeological excavations, or a computer program used in image enhancement.
Adobe Photoshop MS Word Archaeologist’ s mini hand Mattock Book Suction Table
This class comprises identifiable conceptual objects that denote the essence or the main concept of a discourse. Instances of this class are usually in the form of words or phrases that summarize the main idea of an information resource.
Holocaust Islam and Nation-State Nuer Kinship
This class comprises concepts denoted by terms from thesauri and controlled vocabularies used to characterize and classify instances of NeMO classes. These controlled vocabularies are modeled as Simple Knowledge Organization Systems so that their terms can be interconnected using SKOS properties as defined in the W3C SKOS Recommendation ( Instances of this class can also be used in order to interconnect instances from other NeMO classes and thus create alternate "semantic paths" in addition to their direct interrelationships.
4.2.19 Spatial Analysis Tagging 3 Acquiring
Conceiving refers to the Activity Type of mentally forming or creating an idea. This mental conception can be of any form (an image, a text, a melody, an equation, etc.) but without material substance since it constitutes the product of reason or imagination.
Seeking refers to the Activity Type of attempting to find something through various types of search methods.